Early Postnatal Rehab Guide

This guide begins at 0 weeks postnatal, however, you know your own body and mind, although the programme is gentle and relatively risk-free you should only begin when you feel ready. If you have any questions or issues you can contact me directly and I’ll be happy to give you advice.

Please note that when you undertake this programme you do so at your own risk and with an agreement that Strong Like a Mutha will not be held liable for any injuries you may or may not sustain when doing so.

Lastly, this programme is designed to help you heal and recover from birth, it is gentle, and based on the latest evidence and research on the early postnatal period, please be kind to yourself, birth although super common and regular is no easy ride as you will be all too aware of now or in the next few weeks, what you have just achieved over these past 9 or so months is absolutely incredible. YOUR body grew and birthed another human being, you are a real-life Wonder Woman, give yourself credit for that and allow yourself as much rest and recovery as possible.

Pull up that draw bridge mama, only let in those visitors who bring food or will do chores for you without you having to ask and get cosy, you have more than earned this.

All my love and best wishes for your recovery,